Call for Working Group Members

Welcome! Thank you so much for your consideration in volunteering your time and expertise for this project. Please read the description of the Working Groups below. Our goal is to find Working Group members who are representative of the population of each island. If you’re interesting in volunteering or would like to learn more, please fill out the form below or . . .

You can reach out to DPNR staff via phone or mail at:

St. Thomas/St. John

4611 TuTu Park Mall - Ste 300, 2nd Flr - St. Thomas, VI 00802

Phone: (340) 774-3320

St. Croix

45 Estate Mars Hill - Frederiksted, VI 00840

Phone: (340) 773-1082

What is the role of the Working Groups?

DPNR will host three working groups: one each for St. Croix, St. John, and St. Thomas. These groups are currently expected to meet five times in person during the course of the project and may occasionally meet virtually as well. Members will often be given “homework” between meetings to help support development of the Comp Plan. The role of the working groups is as an advisory body to the Comp Plan process. The working groups will not have any formal approval authority but are expected to provide important substantive guidance. The primary responsibilities of the working groups will likely include the following:

  • Provide oral and written feedback on draft materials that will be used in the development of the Comp Plan.

  • Provide advice and guidance regarding upcoming public engagement activities. For example, identify local stakeholder individuals or groups that should be interviewed.

  • Help promote public activities and events through local networks to increase public participation and input.

  • Provide access to materials that may assist with the plan development (e.g., photos).

  • Provide guidance on key issues that are unique to or pronounced in a particular island.

  • Provide local knowledge and experience on the topics covered in the plan.

Interested on Joining a Working Group? Let us know!