Making Better Land and Water Use Decisions

Goals, policies & Strategies

During the development of the CLWUP, the most frequently discussed topic in all forms of engagement related to how decisions are made regarding land and water use. The interplay between agencies like DPNR, Coastal Zone Management, Coastal Zone Commissions, the Legislature, the Governor’s Office, Property and Procurement, Historic District Commissions, the US Army Core of Engineers, and other parties can be very complicated. The current system often suffers from too many layers of permit review and the need for coordination that is either too complicated or under-resourced. In other instances, decisions are being made by the Legislature that would be better suited to a local decision-making body or technical staff within DPNR. This is evident where decisions about rezoning fail to consider impacts to neighborhoods or existing roadways, or where marine projects are not considered in the context of what services or infrastructure are available on land.

Below you may click on the button to read the Goals, Policies, and Strategies related to the Making Better Land & Water Use Decisions section of the Plan in PDF.